Los dirigentes de la COS eligen a Yemi Mobolade como alcalde

I’m proud to offer my official endorsement of Yemi Mobalade as our next mayor of Colorado Springs.


Mayoral Candidate, Business Owner
former Councilmember, Commissioner, and Community Champion

I enjoyed getting to know Yemi throughout the race for mayor and admired his friendly demeanor and respect for all the candidates. After the election, Yemi and I discussed his priorities as mayor and they most mirror mine - improving public safety, addressing homelessness and advocating for affordable housing. I am also confident that he has the moral character needed for the job.

Yemi will bring strong leadership and the willingness to challenge the status quo, solve problems, and build resilient neighborhoods.

Importantly, he will be truthful and champion open government.

Visit sallieclarkmayor.com for endorsement speech and full remarks.

Bill Elder

SHERIFF El Paso County (Retired)

As Sheriff, I knew that good leadership was about building bridges and being collaborative, taking care of my employees, and building trust with residents through community engagement and transparency,” said Elder. “Yemi Mobolade has these same leadership qualities, and he will do what is best for the community, not just special interests. He is an experienced leader in this community who time and time again puts the good of this city and its residents above all else, and he will do a tremendous job as the next Mayor. I took the time to get to know him and would urge you to do the same. Get to know exactly who Yemi is, don’t take someone's word for it.

Tom Strand

Past Colorado Springs City Council President &Former Chair of Colorado Springs Utilities

As a retired Judge Advocate, past President of our Colorado Springs City Council, and former Chair of the Colorado Springs Utilities, I know what strong leadership looks like and what is required to lead our city. Yemi is a proven leader with a wealth of experience in the business, non-profit, and government sectors, and someone I trust to continue championing our public safety professionals. With Yemi, we can have confidence in a mayor who will not only put our families first but has the proven leadership to create a better future for our neighborhoods. Join me in voting Yemi for mayor.

Don Knight

Former City Councilmember

This historic election for Mayor is about leadership and integrity. As an Air Force veteran and a longtime Colorado Springs City Councilor, my #1 priority was to keep our neighborhoods safe, ensure that city resources were maintained, and protect our taxpayer dollars. Yemi is the only candidate with the integrity, combined business acumen and government experience who will bring this unique skill set to the City. We need a Mayor who champions free-market principles, puts the people first and is not beholden to special interests. I am proud to endorse Yemi Mobolade to be our 42nd Mayor of Colorado Springs.

Amy Folsom

Former El Paso County Administrator

As the past El Paso County Administrator where I oversaw 1,500 employees and a nearly $400 million dollar budget, I know Yemi has the leadership and experience to meet the challenges of today that our region faces. Yemi knows how to lead teams, understands fiscal responsibility and the budget process, and is a visionary leader who is uniquely gifted in bringing together the right people to the table to solve problems. I wholeheartedly endorse Yemi for mayor of Colorado Springs.

Bill Murray

Former At-Large City Councilmember

I've found Yemi to be both refreshing and energizing. Yemi offers a unique opportunity to visualize our city as communities, not just development. Colorado Springs residents deserve a mayor who will represent their voices and neighborhoods, and Yemi is the clear choice in that matter. Vote Yemi!

Scott Hente

Former President, Colorado Springs City Council

I am honored to add my name to the thousands of our fellow residents who have endorsed and supported Yemi.  His positive attitude, relentless optimism, and devotion to our Community will serve us well as he becomes our next Mayor.  I look forward to Yemi’s leadership for our great City and our very bright future with him at the helm.

TED Collas

Jefe de Bomberos (jubilado) Cuerpo de Bomberos de COS

Yemi unashamedly offers his support to public safety. Having served as a public safety professional for over 36 years, I am grateful when someone of Yemi’s character supports the men and women who keep us and our neighbors safe. Yemi Mobolade is a man who can be trusted; he is a man who is deeply committed to our community’s best interest.

Elaine Knight

General de Brigada, Fuerzas Aéreas de EE.UU.

As a retired Brigadier General of the United States Air Force, I know what it takes to be a strong leader who values integrity, service, and excellence. I see these same traits in Yemi and his leadership. Whether it’s through uniting our city by co-founding COS I Love You, leading innovation for our business community at the Chamber and City of Colorado Springs, or through his service on countless boards in our city, Yemi will put our families first. Please join me in voting Yemi for mayor.

*Use of rank and/or photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the U.S Air Force or the Department of Defense.

Pat Rigdon

Subjefe (jubilado) Departamento de Policía de COS

As a family man and former Deputy Chief of the Colorado Springs Police Department and someone who spent 26 years serving residents of this community in the department, I know Yemi is the right leader to support our law enforcement. As a father to three young kids, public safety is Yemi’s top priority, and I know he will ensure police officers are equipped, trained, and supported to protect our families and neighborhoods

Deborah Hendrix

Education and Non-profit Executive

As someone who has spent nearly thirty years nurturing our children and youth here in this city, I know Yemi is the right leader to address the problems facing our families. Yemi is skilled in collaboration, committed to listening to and working with residents, and his background in workforce development is exactly what we need to ensure our kids have good jobs that help them stay in Colorado Springs. Yemi’s experience is the right experience for addressing crime, cost of living, and homelessness, but it is also the right experience to ensure our future leaders have the best possible future in store for them in Colorado Springs.

Mark Lowderman

Former El Paso County Treasurer and Assessor

The race for mayor of Colorado Springs is a rare opportunity for us to elect new ideas, new leadership and a fresh solutions-based perspective with business experience to City Hall.

As the former El Paso County Treasurer and Assessor, I understand first-hand, the importance of city-county collaboration and I am honored to endorse Yemi Mobolade as our next mayor.

Ben Anderson

Pastor y líder comunitario

The problems we face in our city are too big for partisan politics. We need a leader who can bring together people from all backgrounds to solve challenges like housing affordability and homelessness. There is no one I can think of who is better at doing just that than Yemi. Whether it is in business, government, or nonprofit work, Yemi has a proven track record of unifying people together for the flourishing of our city, and I know that won’t stop as our next mayor.

Dra. Kenya Lee

Cofundadora y Directora General de PureLee Redefined

We all know government has a major impact on business. Colorado Springs needs a fighter in the mayor’s office who understands what it is like to be in the arena as a business owner. We need someone who will reach across the aisle, listen to the concerns of the business community, and who will never leave anyone behind. Yemi is that fighter for our business community, and I am confident business owners like me will be heard and considered in Yemi’s administration in the decisions that impact us.

Vance Brown

Ex director general de Cherwell y líder comunitario

As a tech entrepreneur and life-long problem solver, I know Yemi has the right experience and leadership to help solve Colorado Springs’ most pressing challenges. Yemi has a proven record of creating a business-friendly city, attracting good jobs to Colorado Springs, and making government work for our local businesses. As we continue to face economic uncertainty, I know Yemi is the right candidate to help lead us through the economic uncertainty that lies ahead."

Mary Lou Makepeace

Ex alcalde de Colorado Springs

Como alcalde de Colorado Springs, trabajé duro para asegurarme de que dos valores fueran fieles a mi toma de decisiones: que los ciudadanos tuvieran voz en las decisiones que les afectaban, y que yo sería un alcalde para todos los residentes, asegurándome de que el gobierno de la ciudad tratara a las personas por igual. Yemi lleva estos mismos valores con él, y de igual importancia, tiene el liderazgo y la experiencia para asegurar que estos valores pueden ser realmente la realidad para los ciudadanos de Colorado Springs. Tengo plena confianza en que Yemi es el líder adecuado para este próximo capítulo en Colorado Springs.

Larry Yonker

Ex Director General de Springs Rescue Mission

As a nonprofit executive in Colorado Springs, I’ve spent the last 12 years leading efforts in Colorado Springs to address homelessness in our city. I know the importance of public, private, and nonprofit partnerships to prevent, address, and end homelessness, and Yemi is the only candidate I believe has the experience and leadership to make strides in this issue. Yemi’s collaboration, vision, and leadership is what our city needs at the moment, and I fully endorse him as our next mayor.

Mike Juran

Consejero Delegado de Altia; ex Presidente de la Cámara y la EDC de Colorado Springs

I enthusiastically endorse Yemi Mobolade for mayor of Colorado Springs. As the CEO of a global software company, founded and headquartered in Colorado Springs, I understand the importance of having an inspirational city leader with an entrepreneurial business focus. Prosperity, safety, quality of life, justice, and citizen wellbeing starts with a dynamic business environment that fuels our economy and attracts a talented workforce. Yemi is that entrepreneurial, inspirational mayor that we need, and the only one in the field capable of creating a future-ready workforce and healthy business environment.

Diputada Regina English

Representante del Estado de Colorado Distrito 17

Yemi es el único candidato en el que confío para ser una voz "para el pueblo" que representará NUESTROS intereses, y no intereses especiales. Sé que está comprometido a escuchar a los residentes, incluyendo mi propio distrito en el sureste de Colorado Springs, y que dará prioridad a ser un alcalde para TODOS los residentes de Colorado Springs. Creo plenamente que Yemi es el mejor candidato para dirigir nuestra ciudad hacia adelante para asegurar nuestra calidad de vida se pone por encima de la política partidista.

Jay Jesse

Inversor, socio gerente de High Stakes Partners LLC, Exponential Impact

When so many voices have ridiculed it lately, Yemi is a fervent believer in the American dream. He, like me, is a product of that dream - made possible by the opportunity this country still provides. Yemi is a business owner and entrepreneur who has combined his success with compassion and care for others. He has excelled in many many roles in our community, always making us better than we were without him. I have no doubt the city will be better than ever after that service.

Margaret Sabin

Ex Directora General de Penrose-St. Francis Health Services

As the former President and CEO of Penrose-St. Francis Health Services, I have worked to make Colorado Springs a healthy city to ensure the future of Colorado Springs is bright. Yemi Mobolade shares this same vision, as someone who is dedicated to improving our quality of life and has the leadership to address the most pressing obstacles facing our city. I wholeheartedly endorse Yemi for mayor of Colorado Springs, and know he is the capable and collaborative leader we need to continue building a vibrant and healthy city.

The Business Community Is Supporting Yemi For Mayor.

120+ businesses endorse Yemi for mayor of Colorado Springs.

Support a mayor who UNDERSTANDS. WE ARE COS.

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